In this course we will address the professional intersection where financial theory meets practice and where the concept of ethical behavior crosses from the abstract to the concrete. High ethical principles and professional standards are essential to positive outcomes; rules and regulations, while necessary, are not sufficient by themselves.

In addition to exploring the theories of rational ethics and current best practice, the class features a series of real-life examples of ethical issues, in addition to general cases involving dilemmas that investment professionals may typically encounter. Participants will apply their knowledge of ethical principles to develop solutions to resolve these dilemmas. Group discussion provides an opportunity to share insights, and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of ethical principles and more importantly, individual ethical behavior.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Know of the main moral tension fields and ethical approaches related to finance
  • Heighten your awareness of ethical issues and commitment to norms and values in the area of finance (recognize conflicts of interest, understand fiduciary duty)
  • Increase your skills, knowledge and attitudes that will enable you to resolve ethical situations or problems in an appropriate manner
  • Understand how to apply CFA Institute’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards of Practice
  • Gain an informed sense that ethical behavior is in an organization’s as well as your own best interest

Any questions?

Get in touch!

Sabine Krüger

+49 69 798 33512


Newsletter Registration

Key Concepts
  • Most common classical and modern ethical theories
  • Practical application of ethical decision-making framework
  • Behavioral and situational impacts affecting ethical decision-making
  • Application of CFA Institute’s Standards of Professional Conduct
  • Conflicts of Interest, Fiduciary Duty, Limitations of Regulation
Course Format

This course is offered in the part-time Master in Finance program and may be attended on a “no credit” basis by individuals not enrolled in the program.

Course participants are visitors who are not responsible for assignments and do not take an exam or earn academic credits. As the number of seats in the course is limited, we recommend to register online early.


Susan Spinner

Susan Spinner is the CEO of CFA Society Germany, the largest association for investment professionals in Germany. She has over 20 years of professional experience in capital markets and asset management, in both Germany and the USA. Susan has provided ethics trainings for students at Goethe University, the European Business School, and the Frankfurt School of Finance in the Rhine Main region and Leibniz University in Hannover. She also speaks on this topic to investment practitioners nationally.

Susan Spinner champions the topics of professional development, transparency and integrity in financial markets.

Key Facts

Course materials

Course materials will be provided in electronic form.




Campus Westend of Goethe University Frankfurt.

Certificate of participation

A GBS certificate of participation is awarded upon completion of the course.

Course Fee

€ 950 (fee is exempt from VAT). The fee for GBS students or alumni amounts to € 400.

Course Schedule
Date Session
Sat., November 30, 2024 09:00-11:00, 11:30-13:30
Fri., December 13, 2024 15:30-17:30, 18:00-20:00
Fri., January 10, 2025 15:30-17:30, 18:00-20:00

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